Call for papers
CALL FOR PAPERS COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AND THE GIG ECONOMY: NEW PERSPECTIVES Santiago de Compostela, 17 th & 18 th September 2020 1. The COGENS project COGENS ( ) is a research project led by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, the Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien and Astrées, with a team that includes 17 countries. It is co-financed by the European Union (VS/2019/0084) The COGENS project is integrated by the following researchers: Belgium, Auriane Lamine; Czech Republic, Jakub Tomšej; Germany, Judith Brockmann; Spain, José María Miranda Boto, Yolanda Maneiro Vázquez, Diana Santiago Iglesias, Guillermo Barrios Baudor and Daniel Pérez del Prado; France, Sylvaine Laulom, Marie-Cécile Escande-Varniol, Cécile Nicod and Christophe Teissier; Italy, Piera Loi; Hungary, Tamás Gyulavári and Gábor Kártyás; Luxembourg, Luca Ratti; Netherlands, Nicola Gundt; Austria, Franz Marhold and Elisabeth Brameshuber; Poland, Łuka...