New number of the HLLJ
A new number of the Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal has been published, with the results of our call for papers. José María MIRANDA BOTO: Collective Bargaining and the Gig Economy: Actors The development of digital platforms has led to the beginning of collective labour issues. As new actors struggle to find their place, traditional trade unions have also adapted their activities to include gig workers in their scope. The first episodes of collective bargaining that have taken place have followed this path, even if innovative solutions are also rising in several countries. Read more >> Thomas HAIPETER - Feliciano IUDICONE: New Social Initiatives on Cloud - and Gigwork - Germany and Italy Compared The article provides a comparison of selected measures initiated in Germany and Italy by workers themselves, social partners, and public administration at different levels and explores their achievements. The conclusions draw on the findings to elaborate some policy suggestions. Read...