New number of the HLLJ
A new number of the Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal has been published, with the results of our call for papers.
Collective Bargaining and the Gig Economy: ActorsThe development of digital platforms has led to the beginning of collective labour issues. As new actors struggle to find their place, traditional trade unions have also adapted their activities to include gig workers in their scope. The first episodes of collective bargaining that have taken place have followed this path, even if innovative solutions are also rising in several countries.
Read more >>Thomas HAIPETER - Feliciano IUDICONE:
New Social Initiatives on Cloud - and Gigwork - Germany and Italy ComparedThe article provides a comparison of selected measures initiated in Germany and Italy by workers themselves, social partners, and public administration at different levels and explores their achievements. The conclusions draw on the findings to elaborate some policy suggestions.
The Right to Collective Bargaining of the Self-Employed at New Digital EconomyThe devastating impact of the "relocation" of the means of production, as an instrument used by the employer to minimize "labor costs", has reached its highest expression in the so-called "fourth industrial revolution". The proliferation of the so-called "atypical workers" and, in a very significant way, of the "false self-employed workers" has caused an important breach of social cohesion and the "de-unionization" of collective bargaining. The recent legal conflicts around these issues make it very important to establish the legality applicable to these new subjects in the field of labor relations, especially in regard to their collective bargaining rights and their coexistence with the right to free competition. The social dialogue must play a leading role in the processes of transition to the digital economy.
Read more >>Antonio Rodrigues de FREITAS JUNIOR - Victor Raduan da SILVA:
Representation and Collective Bargaining of Brazilian Trade Unions in an Era of Apps
Between the old corporatism and the gig economyFocusing on Brazilian experience, the paper discusses the challenges that collective bargaining in the gig economy may face. In Brazil, the trade union system is still based on legislation of the 1930s, deeply influenced by corporatist theories, due to its reaffirmation in the Federal Constitution of 1988 currently in force.
Read more >>Joanna UNTERSCHÜTZ:
Collective Bargaining for Platform Workers: a Hope for new Developments?The paper is about the possible responses of collective bargaining to digital platforms' development. Collective bargaining, apart from pay negotiations, may also lead to reducing the level of surveillance, improving working conditions, regulating portability of ratings, conflict resolution, privacy, data protection and deactivation. Algorithmic management is based on data collected from workers. The data as well as automated negotiation process could be used to the workers' benefit by trade unions.
Read more >>James REDMOND:
Workers without Platforms: The Case for Collective Bargaining Framework for Platform WorkersThe paper shall assess the collective bargaining framework for digital platform workers with particular reference to Irish and European law. It will be structured as follows: it shall provide an overview of digital labour platforms; it shall assess the collective bargaining framework in Ireland for platform workers; it shall examine whether one's employment status affects their right to collective bargaining; and it will identify whether there are any opportunities for reforming the collective bargaining process for platform workers.
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